Living forward in turbulent times


“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”

Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said that.

I’m curious to see what we understand when we look backwards on 2021!

In the meantime, “living forwards” feels a whole lot different late 2021 than it did in early 2020. Back then, some of us had the illusion that we could plan out our year.

At this unique time, the whole world – literally the whole world! – cannot really do much detailed long-range planning. As the world is beginning to open up again, our lives are still subject to change day to day or even minute to minute.

Aside from external turbulence, each of our lives has its own internal turbulence.

For example, on January 1, 2021, I had no idea that I was about to receive a cancer diagnosis. I’ve been through shock, anger, fear, bargaining, depression and eventually acceptance. I’ve been through multiple medical appointments, surgery, radiation and gradual healing.

I’ve also experienced life-changing insights and gifts. I’m a lot better at living in the moment – especially when the moment is too compelling to ignore! Who would guess that such an experience would show me that I am far more supported than I ever knew? Back in January, I did not predict that two outcomes of a scary diagnosis would be “knowing I am supported no matter what” and “profound gratitude.”

I’m guessing you have your own version of adapting to whatever has showed up in your life during the past sixteen months. You’ve been stunned, you’ve adjusted, you’ve handled and perhaps you too have received unpredicted gifts.

So what does “living forwards” mean anyway, in a time when many things that impact us are still beyond our control?

I appreciated this recent message from Power Path shaman Lena Stevens ( Among other things, she said this:

“…We are in a destabilized time of mental confusion, frustrations around what no longer works, and tremendous opportunities to approach our lives in a new way…

“…There is internal shake up and external shake up. Internal shake up is the shakeup of belief systems, your life as you once knew it, identity shifts, emotional challenges… External shake up includes literal earth shaking… unexpected political decisions… sudden gains, spontaneous opportunities, some doors closing, some doors opening, and the effects of other people’s decisions and changes on your life as you know it… 

“…If you can stay neutral and out of resistance, you will become more resilient and adaptable to what is already happening. Change is here. Get with the program or get left behind.”

Yes! We can find our neutral place. We can relax. We can infuse our intentions, our emotions and our thoughts with the kind of energy we choose to experience. And then? Let go and enjoy the ride.

Reflection question

When you feel yourself beginning to tense up or resist,
what’s one way you are able to let go and enjoy the ride?

Frances Lacuesta